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Ofsted and Our Performance Data

Tylers Green First School is a "Good" school

"Pupils love their school. They enjoy making friends and they like learning. They say that adults are kind to them and help them. They enjoy the wide range of subjects they learn and they enjoy working and playing with each other. Pupils are very friendly and polite and they take care of each other in the playground. In classrooms, they demonstrate positive attitudes to learning and take an active part in classroom discussions."  - 2019 Ofsted Report

School Data 2024

The national average for 2024 is not yet released.   We are very proud of all of our children who make super progress in their learning.


Percentage of TGFS children achieving a good level of development at the end of Reception: 81.7 %

All Reception children in Buckinghamshire: 72%


Percentage of TGFS children who passed the Year 1 phonics check: 91.7%

All Year 1 children in Buckinghamshire: 81%


In 2024 we used the optional Key Stage 1 SATS tests and Teacher Assessment Framework.


Percentage of TGFS Year 2 children at:

  • expected or higher in reading: 82%
  • greater depth in reading: 53%
  • expected or higher in writing: 72%
  • greater depth in writing : 16%
  • expected or higher in maths: 86%
  • greater depth in maths: 25%





Tylers Green First School does not have any staff with a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.
