"Tylers Green First School has a lovely, warm, welcoming feel. There is a strong sense of community, both within the school and beyond. The school’s vision of ‘children at the heart of the school, the school at the heart of the village’ is central to life at Tylers Green. Pupils are happy and value the high level of support and care they receive from their teachers. Pupils describe the school as ‘safe, fun and brilliant’"
School Data 2024
The national average for 2024 is not yet released. We are very proud of all of our children who make super progress in their learning.
Percentage of TGFS children achieving a good level of development at the end of Reception: 81.7 %
All Reception children in Buckinghamshire: 72%
Percentage of TGFS children who passed the Year 1 phonics check: 91.7%
All Year 1 children in Buckinghamshire: 81%
In 2024 we used the optional Key Stage 1 SATS tests and Teacher Assessment Framework.
Percentage of TGFS Year 2 children at:
Tylers Green First School does not have any staff with a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.