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Eco School

Eco-Schools – a key part of our School approach

Eco Schools is currently taught across the curriculum through other subjects.  An Eco Committee is formed each year comprising of two children from each class.  These children meet with the Eco Schools lead teacher each half term to discuss the topics that we are focusing on for that year.  Eco Committee members then feed back to their class about the current Eco Schools focus. 

Knowledge -10 topics of Eco Schools – biodiversity, energy, global citizenship, healthy living, litter, marine, school grounds, transport, waste, water

Skills -Members of Eco Committee will develop leadership skills and the ability to work as a team.  They will be given the opportunity to share their interests/knowledge with the rest of the Committee and lead whole school projects.  

Understanding -The aims of Eco School are to develop an understanding of the world around us and how to look after it.  We will choose several topics to focus on each year such as pollution or extinction.

How often should it be taught and for how long?

Teaching takes place daily in terms of recycling/reusing.  For specific topics each year group should be teaching one aspect of Eco schools at least once a term. 

How does Eco Schools link to other subjects including PSHE? 

Science – plants, animals, materials, seasonal change, living things & their habitats

Geography – global perspectives – One World week focusing on different countries, location knowledge, place knowledge, human and physical geography (weather patterns, key physical features)

PSHE – healthy eating/living, road safety (transport)

Other – Walk to School Week, use of recycled materials for junk modelling/DT, recycling bins in each classroom, daily reminders about reuse, reduce, recycle, saving water etc. 

How you will see this policy in action:

Children will show an understanding of the world and how to look after it through discussion and through their actions. 
