| Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
| Getting to know you | Woodland animals | Growing |
PSE | Jigsaw: Being Me in My World | Jigsaw: Celebrating Difference | Jigsaw: Dreams and Goals | Jigsaw: Healthy Me | Jigsaw: Relationships | Jigsaw – Changing Me |
Physical | Gross motor & fine motor focused activities and child initiated activities. | Balance | Ball Skills | Coordination & agility | Sports day practice |
C&L | Word of the day Teach social phrases (good morning/good afternoon) Daily story time Weekly poetry basket poem/action Reading areas in all rooms & outside
| Word of the day Teach sentence structure (who, what, where) Daily story time including non fiction books Weekly poetry basket poem/action Reading areas in all rooms & outside Curiosity Cube – encourage discussion
| Word of the day Teach sentence structure (who, what, where, when/how) Daily story time including non fiction books Weekly poetry basket poem/action Reading areas in all rooms & outside Curiosity Cube – encourage discussion
Literacy | Phonics: Phase 2 Blending & segmenting Sound of the day – daily practice of writing sounds/words Daily story – focus on vocabulary, retrieval, retelling the story. | Phonics: Phase 2 Blending & segmenting Sound of the day – daily practice of writing sounds/words Daily story – focus on vocabulary, retrieval, retelling the story. | Phonics: Phase 3 Reading: A range of topic related texts & Bug Phonics books Writing: | Phonics: Phase 3 Writing: Captions Sentence structure Rhyming words Labels
| Phonics – phase 4 Writing: Instructions Descriptions Lists Labels Sentences Acrostic Poem
| Phonics – phase 4 Writing: Sentences Lists Instructions Letters
Maths | Number of the week focusing on 1-10 – daily maths lessons focusing on: | Recap numbers to 10 Patterns and shapes Ordinal numbers Counting in 2’s/10’s Odds and evens
| | | Number of the week focusing on numbers to 20 |
UW | learn about interests Colour Monsters – identify feelings Construction My body – look at body parts Spiders – what do they eat/where do they live etc.
| Autumn – Leaf Man, pumpkin investigation Bonfire night – history & safety Remembrance Our homes Christmas story & traditions
| Facts about woodland animals (fox, hedgehog, owl) Nocturnal animals Make dens, bird hides, nests & hedgehog homes Chinese New Year Floating/sinking (feathers) Life cycles
| Facts about woodland animals (birds, squirrels, mice, badgers, deer, rabbits) Bird identification Easter – story & traditions
| | |
EA&D | paint/draw pictures of ourselves make colour monster puppets humpty dumpty crafts rainbows – explore colours spider crafts music – harvest songs, Humpty Dumpty, I Can Sing a Rainbow, Incy Wincy Spider Nursery rhyme week: Jack & Jill, Hickory Dickory Dock, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, Row Row Row Your Boat, The Wheels on the Bus
| | Winter handprint pictures The Fox & the Star inspired art Clay hedgehogs Owl Baby printing Chinese New Year – lanterns & dragon puppets
Music – SingUp: I’ve Got a Grumpy Face (Timbre, beat, pitch contour) The Sorcerer’s Apprentice (Musical storytelling, louder/quieter, faster/slower, higher/lower, timbre) Witch witch (Call-and-response, pitch (la-so-mi-do), timbre.)
| Silhouette birds Printing with acorn cups Mouse finger puppets Black & white art Antler art Easter cards & crafts
Music – SingUp: Row, Row, Row Your Boat (Beat, pitch (step/leap), timbre.) Birdspotting – Cuckoo (Active listening, beat, pitch (so-mi), vocal play) Shake My Sillies Out (Timbre, pitch (higher/lower), tempo (slower/faster), beat.)
| Music – SingUp: Up and down (Pitch contour (rising and falling) Five Fine Bumble Bees (Timbre, tempo, structure (call-and-response), active listening.) Down There Under the Sea (Timbre, structure, active listening, tune moving in step (stepping notes), soundscape.)
| Music – SingUp: It’s Oh So Quiet (Dynamics, timbre, musical storytelling, improvising and composing, exploring instruments.) Slap Clap Clap (Music in 3-time, beat, composing and playing) Bow Bow Bow Belinda (Beat, active listening, instrumental accompaniment.)