Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Food Glorious Food
| Marvellous Maps
| Epic Explorers | Super Scientists | Animals
| Animals
PSHE (Jigsaw): Being Me in My World
| PSHE (Jigsaw): Celebrating Difference
| PSHE (Jigsaw): Dreams and Goals
| PSHE (Jigsaw): Healthy Me
| PSHE (Jigsaw): Relationships
| PSHE (Jigsaw): Changing Me
English: To read and respond to stories and a range of texts.
To sequence events in a story.
To identify the beginning, middle and end of a story.
To write a simple sentence (formation and structure).
Texts: The Secret Pizza Party: Pizza Focus (Instructions) The Gruffalo The Highway Rat Information Texts (How foods are made, learning about rats following Highway Rat) Harvest Poems
| English: To hear, read and respond to poems and stories.
To begin to use correct punctuation to write simple sentences.
To read and recognise a non-fiction text.
Texts: Firework Poems The Jolly Postman Information Texts Recounts of Journeys Story sequencing Drama (Christmas Production) Traditional tales & poems – Goldilocks and Jack and the Beanstalk The Christmas Jolly Postman | English: To read and respond to stories and a range of texts.
To plan what to sentences to write using key information and new vocabulary.
To begin to sequence sentences to form short narratives.
Texts: Claude Goes to Sea Lost and Found The Great Explorer Information Texts about Famous Explorers (Shackleton, Nelly Bly)
| English: To read and respond to a variety of non-fiction texts and poems.
To be able to write a simple narrative with simple punctuation based on different fiction texts.
Texts: Izzy Gizmo, Scientist like me, Llama destroys the world, Beegu, Information Texts about Scientists, familiar rhymes and poems | English - To be able to accurately punctuate sentences with capital letters and full stops.
To be able to use joining words ‘and’ and ‘but’.
To be able to sequence narratives and to write our own narratives with a clear beginning, middle and end.
To be able to create a plan before writing a narrative using key information and new vocabulary.
Texts Recounts of trip to zoo, information texts about animals and familiar poems/rhymes. Stories about animals; Farmer Duck, Click Clack Moo Cows that Type, I’m trying to love spiders, Give Bees a chance, There’s a snake in my school, The Mixed up Chameleon, Howard the average gecko, a selection of Anthony Browne books, Cockatoos, A busy day for a bird, The go-away bird, The Ugly Five, Dodos are not extinct.
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Phonics Phase 3-5 | Phonics Phase 5 (Phase 3 recap for some class members) | Phonics Phase 5 (Phase 3 recap for some class members) | Phonics Phase 5 (Phase 3 recap for some class members) | Phonics Phase 5 | Phonics Phase 5 |
Maths: Place value (within 10) Addition and Subtraction
| Maths: Addition and Subtraction within 10 Geometry - Shape | Maths: Place value (within 20) Addition and subtraction within 20 | Maths: Place value within 50 Measurement (Length and height, mass and volume) | Maths: Multiplication and division Fractions Geometry (Position and direction) | Maths: Place Value within 100 Measurement (money and time) |
Science: Weather / seasonal changes observe changes across the 4 seasons observe and describe weather associated with the seasons
Our Body & Senses Food Investigations Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense | Science: Weather / seasonal changes observe changes across the 4 seasons observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies
| Science: Weather / seasonal changes observe changes across the 4 seasons observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies
Materials Distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made
Identify, name, describe and compare a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, and rock | Science: Seasonal changes observe changes across the 4 seasons observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies
Plants To identify and name a variety of common and wild plants | Science: Seasonal Changes observe changes across the 4 seasons observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies
Animals identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals
Identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores
Describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals including pets)
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History: Intro to sequencing
To identify events from our own past, present and future.
To use historical vocabulary.
To identify similarities and differences between past and present foods and everyday objects.
Texts/Area of interest: Stone Age Food (Stone Age Boy) Future Foods
| Geography: To identify key physical and human features of our local area.
Local area (School environment) drawings/sketches | History (link to English): To recognise and describe significant events and people (Shackleton, Captain Cook, James Cameron)
Geography: To identify the countries and capitals of the UK, in addition to the surrounding seas. | History: To describe significant people in history
To identify events beyond living memory – significant scientific events Jane Goodall, Mary Anning, Stephen Hawking)
| Geography: use simple compass directions (North, South, East and West) and locational and directional language [for example, near and far; left and right], to describe the location of features and routes on a map
Map Skills (Compass, map symbols, comparing countryside and towns, physical and human geographical features)
| History: To learn about Significant people in the past and present (David Attenborough, Charles Darwin, Steve Irwin, Diane Fossey, Steve Backshall)
Art Twinkl Unit: Portraits – exploring and creating portraits inspired by famous artists such as Pablo Picasso, Paul Klee, Andy Warhol | Art/DT: Twinkl unit: Exploring ‘moving pictures traditional tales’ - Developing an understanding of basic mechanisms (sliders, levers, wheels) | Art/DT: Twinkl unit: Exploring structures and materials | Art: Twinkl unit: Nature Sculptures- learn about different kinds of nature sculptures and explore the work of Andy Goldsworthy as well as other environmental artists | Art: Twinkl unit: Colour chaos – exploring colour and artists such as Piet Mondrian, Mark Rothko, Paul Klee and Kandinsky.
| Art: Twinkl unit: Let’s Sculpt - designing and creating own sculptures |
RE: How important are the groups people belong to? (For all questions see non-statutory guidance in Bucks agreed syllabus) Harvest and belonging to groups
| RE: What makes some people important? Important people and important places
| RE: What makes some things sacred to some groups of people? Special things | R.E - What makes some stories so important to different people? Special books
| R.E - Why is it important to look after our world? Looking after our world
| R.E - Why do we celebrate important occasions? Special occasions
ICT: Twinkl Y1 Computer skills using technology purposefully to manipulate and retrieve | ICT: Twinkl Y1 Programming toys algorithms and what they are
| ICT: Twinkl Y1 Online safety and digital literacy skills | ICT: Twinkl Y1 Painting – learning to use a painting application and the different features | ICT: Twinkl Y1 Scratch – basic principles of coding | ICT: Twinkl Y1 Word Processing Skills. Learn basic typing and word processing skills.
Music: Sing Up Y1 Term 1 Active listening (movement), beat, march, timbre, music from a film | Music: Sing Up Y1 Term 1 Timbre, pitch, structure, graphic symbols, classical music, dynamics, rhyme | Music: Sing Up Y1 Term 2 Beat, ostinato, pitched/unpitched patterns, mi-re-do active listening 20th century classical music | Music: Sing Up Y1 Term 2 Question and answer, timbre, graphic score, beat, rests, rhythm patterns, higher/ lower | Music: Sing Up Y1 Term 3 Active listening , electronic music, Mood, tempo, dynamics, rhythm, dot notation | Music: Sing Up Y1 Term 3 Beat, march, Jig Call-and-response, tuned percussion skills, rhythm and syllables, pitch. |
PE: Ball skills / multi skills | P:E: Hockey / dance tango | PE: Bat and ball skills / gymnastics | P.E - Team games / tennis | P.E - Team games / golf | P.E - Athletics / team building sports day activities |
Eco: Recycling – link to history sorting packaging and containers | Eco: Looking after local area | Eco – sustainable travel and pollution | Eco – Growing sunflowers
| Eco – Endangered animals WWF
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Play – Weekly Tuff Spot Activities linked with Topic and Core Subjects | Play – Weekly Tuff Spot Activities linked with Topic and Core Subjects
| Play – Weekly Tuff Spot Activities linked with Topic and Core Subjects
| Play – Weekly Tuff Spot Activities linked with Topic and Core Subjects
| Play – Weekly Tuff Spot Activities linked with Topic and Core Subjects
| Play – Weekly Tuff Spot Activities linked with Topic and Core Subjects