Hello Year 2 Beech class!
Who's who in Beech class?
Our class teacher: Miss Roscoe
Our Teaching Assistants: Mrs Pitron and Mrs Vann Morris
Our PPA cover: Miss Layton
Our topic this half term is The Great Fire of London
Key weekly dates!
Monday- new spellings will be coming home. The children will have a week to practise them.
Tuesday - PE will be with Coach Mike on Tuesday afternoons.
Wednesday - Every other Wednesday we will be in forest school! Miss Layton will teach on Wednesdays.
Thursday - PE will be with Coach Alex on Thursday afternoons.
Bug Club Phonics
For the books to be transferred into the library, please click on the bug at the start of the book first before reading the book. When your child has finished, please click on the bug at the end of the book and then the book will be transferred to the library.
The physical bug club books can be changed on any day.