Impact is how we know that our curriculum is doing what we intended - that is are the children safe, happy, creative, learning and successful ?
Assessment in English and Maths
SATS - now optional from 2024
At the end of the year, Year 2 children are assessed by their teacher against the Age Related Expectations for the Key Stage. The children will take optional SATS papers in May to help the teachers assess the children. Even though these SATS are optional from 2024 onwards we will use them as they will provide helpful information to the teachers.
Assessment of subjects other than English and Maths
Our aim is to use assessment as a process to help the teachers plan lessons to motivate, stretch and challenge all children in all areas of the curriculum.
We have developed a set of principles to support us in this aim. The assessment should:
In Reception the teachers create a topic display or working wall to capture children’s questions, photographs, drawings and achievements in the current topic. This will be added to over time whilst the topic remains “live”, and the teacher and children will refer to this when reflecting on children’s progress.
A summative assessment at the end of the academic year is made to capture the children’s attainment against the Early Learning Goals. This assessment will support transition to Year 1.
Key Stage 1
In Year 1 and Year 2 the teachers and children will use a “KWL” document at the beginning and end of a topic. These will capture what the children already know (K) would like to know (W) and what they learned (L). The children will use a combination of drawing and writing to capture their knowledge and understanding, dependent on the age and development of the pupil. The teacher will use the relevant National Curriculum statements to assess the pupil at the end of the topic, and this will feed into the summative assessment.
A summative assessment at the end of the academic year will be captured on our electronic system to support transition to the next year group. (Science will be captured twice in the year).
How will you see this policy in action?
In all year groups children will understand what they are learning through their topic work, and will be able to reflect on their growing knowledge. Children, including those with SEND, will be able to express their learning in a way meaningful to them, for example a child drawing a bird flying over a town to express learning about a bird’s eye view in map work.