The School follows the White Rose scheme of work and timetable for Year 1 and Year 2. Reception use the Early Learning Goals to inform their planning as well as using White Rose when appropriate.
Knowledge- The children are taught concepts using a range of different methods, for example they are exposed to part whole models, tens frames, bar models, place value grids and number tracks/lines/100 squares when working on Place Value. This knowledge can then be applied to concepts such as addition and subtraction and multiplication and division. Children are encouraged to try different methods to solve problems, working at finding more than 1 solution to a problem and then explaining, justifying and proving their reasoning. They are taught how to use a range of stem sentences to explain their understanding. Reception use adult and child initiated learning and a range of practical resources to help children explore different concepts and develop their skills.
Skills- The White Rose blocks and timetables are taught in Key Stage 1 to ensure a progression and build-up of skills. The blocks are linked to the National Curriculum concepts for each year group. Reception teachers have created maths planning using the mastery approach with some elements of White Rose Maths and linked these to the EYFS ELGs.
White Rose has built in recap lessons for those areas children may not be secure with or may need recapping. The children are taught using a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach and will always be able to experiment with concrete resources first. When they are confident and secure with this then they will move onto explaining and showing their understanding by drawing pictures/models. When they are fully secure with both Concrete and Pictorial methods then they will be able to work with abstract ideas such as number sentences and ideas such as column addition.
Understanding- Children understand that concepts and skills are linked in different areas of Maths and they can use previous knowledge and understanding to help them with new areas of learning and skills. The children understand that there may be more than one possible method to solve a problem or question and they have access to a range of resources to help them succeed in their learning. The children also understand that making mistakes helps them learn and succeed!
How do we ensure a progression of Maths knowledge skills and understanding?
The White Rose timetable used by KS1 builds up skills- addition and subtraction is not taught until the children have a firm and concrete grasp of place value. Money is not taught until the children are confident counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Children are problem solving and reasoning daily.
In Reception children are taught with a “Number of the week.” Children are encouraged to explore all mathematical aspects of that number, such as number bonds, addition and subtraction and shape (for example sides and corners of rectangles and squares are covered in week where 4 is learned)
How often should Maths be taught and for how long?
Maths is taught daily for an hour in KS1. Year 2 have experimented with breaking up their maths sessions with an input followed by a practical fluency session using a range of resources to help the children practise and experiment with different skills and concepts before play. Play helps the children have a movement break and allow the learning to sink in. A reasoning and problem solving session then follows after play where the children can apply and extend the concepts and skills. This approach has worked well for both teaching staff and children.
In Reception Maths is taught 4 days a week. The teacher works with a small group of focused activities and other mathematical activities are put out for children to explore as child initiated learning.
How does Maths link to other subjects including PSHE?
Maths skills are carried over into other subjects such as Science (measurement and statistics), Art (shape) and PSHE (the ability to reason, justify and problem solve. Also the need to be resilient!)
How is Maths assessed?
Teachers assess children’s understanding daily and mark according to the Learning Intention and Success Criteria which have been shared with the children. New concepts are not taught until teachers are happy the previous skills have been learned. End of block assessments also help teachers see whether teaching has been successful or what areas may need reteaching. Bigger assessments are done termly to provide teachers with data according to ARE. These are logged on Target Tracker. Please click on the "Impact" shield to see the age related expectations.
How do we know that the Maths curriculum is effective?
Children can use mathematical concepts effectively, with a range of methods. They can also reason and problem solve, explaining and justifying their answers. Children are happy to experiment to find more than one solution and are not afraid to make mistakes as this will help them rule out possible solutions in order to find the correct ones.