Class teachers will use a combination of the EYFS profile, Development Matters statements and baseline assessment to measure children's progress.
- The baseline assessment tells us whether or not children are working at an expected level at the beginning of the school year for the prime and specific areas of learning. By having a good understanding of the child’s abilities when they start school, class teachers are able to measure each child's progress and plan for next steps in learning.
- The baseline assessment is done with the class teacher and is a mixture of tasks and observational checklists.
Development Matters:
- Development Matters supports Early Years Practitioners, from birth, in providing quality Early Years Foundation Stage education. EYFS teachers can use Development Matters as part of daily observation, assessment and planning.
- Assessments show whether children are working within, below or above age related expectations.
EYFS Profile:
- The EYFS profile assessment is carried out in the final term of Reception
- The main purpose of the EYFS profile is to provide a reliable, valid and accurate assessment of individual children at the end of the EYFS.
Characteristics of Effective Learning:
- A child's individual learning characteristic will determine the way they respond to both the teaching and learning taking place in the environment.
- Children are encouraged to be independent and resilient throughout the year.
- Children are assessed against the Characteristics of Effective Learning at the end of the year and this is reported to parents in the general statement section of their end of year report.
EYFS profile data is used to:
- Inform parents about their child’s development against the early learning goals (ELGs) and the characteristics of their learning.
- Help year 1 teachers plan an effective, responsive and appropriate curriculum that will meet the needs of each child.
Children in Reception are assessed against the Prime and Specific areas of Learning in the EYFS profile, these are recorded on our on-line system, Target Tracker. Assessments are based on observation of daily activities and events. At the end of Reception for each Early Learning Goal, teachers will judge whether a child is meeting the level of development expected at the end of the Reception year:
- Emerging, not yet reached the expected level of development
- Expected