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Year 2

Tylers Green First School Topics and Curriculum Coverage 



Year 2 


Autumn 1 

Autumn 2 

Spring 1 

Spring 2 

Summer 1 

Summer 2 

Great Fire of London 


Earth and Beyond

Terrific Transport


Tylers Green Time Travel 

Around the World in 12 weeks 

Around the World in 12 Weeks

PHSE – Being Me in My World 


Understanding the rights and responsibilities for being a member of my school 


I can recognise the choices I make and understand the consequences 

PHSE – Celebrating Difference  


Understand that sometimes people make assumptions (stereotypes) 


Understand that it is OK to be different and identify ways I am different  

PHSE – Dreams and Goals 


Persevering even when I find things difficult 


Recognise who I work well with and work in a group 


Share successes  

PHSE – Healthy Me 


Know what I need to keep my body healthy 


Recognise what relaxes me 


Understand how medicines work 

PHSE – Relationships 


Identify different members of my family and how families can be different. 


Recognise and appreciate my friends and people who help me 

PHSE – Changing Me 


Tell about the natural process of growing 


Recognise the physical changes in my body and the differences between boys and girls 

English –  

Setting descriptions, diaries, recounts, poetry, information texts, timelines.  


Texts used- Pudding Lane film unit, Vlad and the Great Fire of London, Toby and the Great Fire of London  


Letters, information texts, stories, poetry, fact files, write the next chapter.  


Texts used- The Dark, The Owl who was afraid of the dark, The Way Back Home 

English –  

Character descriptions, postcards, monologues, recounts 


Texts used- Little Boat film unit, The Green Ship, Mrs Armitage on Wheels, Dragon Stew. 

English –  

Setting descriptions, diaries, information texts.  


Texts used- The Great Kapok Tree, The tin Forest,  School log books and information texts 


Postcards, factfiles, stories changing certain elements, newspapers 


Texts used-  

 Meerkat Mail, Zeraffa Giraffa, Possum Magic 


Predictions, stories, labels and descriptions of mysterious artefacts.  


Texts used- Kai and the Monkey King, Ocean meets sky.

Phonics Phase 5-6 

Phonics Phase 6 

Phonics Phase 6 

Phonics Phase 6 

Phonics Phase 6 

Phonics Phase 6 

Maths: Place Value 

Addition and Subtraction 

Addition and Subtraction, Shape.  

Money, Multiplication and Division. 

Length and Height. 

Mass, Capacity and Temperature.  



Position and Direction.  

Position and Direction.  

Problem Solving. 





Observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants 


Find out and describe how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy. 

Science –  

Living things, habitats. 


Explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead, and have never been alive 


Identify that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited and describe how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants, and how they depend on each other 


Identify and name a variety of plants and animals in their habitats 




Identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials, including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard for particular uses 


Find out how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching. 





Identify and name a variety of plants and animals in their habitats, including micro-habitats 

Science- Health


Notice that humans have offspring which grow into adults  


Find out about and describe the basic needs of humans for survival (water, food and air)  


Describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene. 


Revisit plants.




Describe how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals, using the idea of a simple food chain, and identify and name different sources of food. 


Notice that animals have offspring which grow into adults 


Find out about and describe the basic needs of animals for survival (water, food and air

History- Comparing London today with 1666, sequencing the events of the Great Fire, Significant individuals Samuel Pepys and Charles II, analysing the effects of the fire.  

Geography- What a wonderful World. 

The continents and oceans of the world, climate and life in other countries.  

History-Terrific Transport.  

How has transport changed, history of flight, George Stephenson, how have cars changed over the years.  

History- Local History. 

Significant people and events in the local area. 

How has our village changed over the years? 


Sensational Safari 

Comparing life in Kenya to Life in the UK. 


Let's go to China! Comparing life in China to life in the UK. 

Art- Landscapes and Cityscapes- to use colour, texture, pattern and line to create landscapes and cityscapes in a range of materials. To describe the work of at least 2 artists) 

Art- Landscapes and cityscapes continued..... 

DT- Make sports cars

design purposeful, functional, appealing products for themselves and other users based on design criteria, select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks [for example, cutting, shaping, joining and finishing] explore and use mechanisms [for example, levers, sliders, wheels and axles], in their products. 

Art- Miro unit. (To use imaginations to create drawings, paintings and sculptures, talk about colours, shapes and marks and identify similarities and differences between their work and Miro) 

DT- Dips and Dippers.  

To taste a range of products, design and create their own dip and dipper.  


DT- Fabric bunting 

(select from a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks, use different joining techniques, design, make and evaluate their products) 


Computing- Online safety, Using the Internet. (Using the internet safely and respectfully. Recognise common uses of technology beyond school, To use technology purposefully to retrieve digital content. ) 

Computing- Computer programming (to understand what algorithms are, create and debug simple programmes) 

Computing- Presentation Skills 

(Use technology safely and respectfully, use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content) 

Computing- Computer programming LOGO and Scratch 

(to understand what algorithms are, create and debug simple programmes) 



Computing- Computer Art.  

(To use technology purposefully to retrieve digital content. ) 


Computing- Using and Applying.  

(recap and progression of all skills taught throughout the year) 

Sing up- Year 2 Term 1 (Beat, rhythm, melody, echo, call-and-response, tuned and untuned, Timbre, tempo, dynamics, pitch, classical music. 

Tony Chestnut 

Carnival of the Animals 

Sing up- Year 2 Term 2 (Composing using a non-musical stimulus. Creating music inspired by birds and birdsong. Improvising and playing a solo on instruments. Timbre, tempo, dynamics, graphic score, minor key, intervals. )Music inspired by birdsong 

Creepy Castle 

Year 2 Term 3 (Duration (crotchet, quavers, crotchet rest), unison, round, Grandma Rap 

Year 2 Term 4 (Beat, rhythm, repetition, structure, 20th century classical music.) Orawa 


Year 2 Term 5 (aspects of singing, playing, improvising, composing, and listening) TaƄczymy labada 

Swing along with Shostakovich 

Year 2 Term 6 

Learning the songs for our Leavers Play!

R.E - 

 Food and the importance in different faiths (To recognise foods that are important to different religions, To know that harvest is celebrated around the world in different ways, To know how Jewish people celebrate Sukkot) 


R.E - Festivals and celebrations

(To understand why we have a festival of remembrance, To understand why celebrations are important to us , To understand why people celebrate Hannukah. To understand why people celebrate Christmas) 


R.E - Special books 

(To understand why books can be special, To identify a story from the Bible, To identify how the Torah is looked after, To identify a story from the Qu’ran, To identify why the Guru Granth Sahib is important to Sikhs) 


R.E -  


Special places 

Local church and Easter. Visit to Holy Trinity church. 

(To understand why homes are special, to understand why mosques and churches are special, to understand the design of a Buddhist temple, To understand why Christians celebrate Easter) 

R.E - Creation stories 

(To understand how different religions believe the world is created including scientists) 


R.E - 


Explore the different ceremonies in different faiths ie Hindu wedding, Bat/Bar Mitzvah’s, Muslim naming ceremony.  


Eco – Growing bulbs 


Eco - 

 How to look after the Earth we live on.  

Eco - Sustainability of different materials. 

Eco – to solve problems.  


Eco – Noticing in similarities and differences how we recycle etc in comparison to other countries 

Eco- caring for animals, how to protect against extinction.  

Play -  

Construction- House building. 

Fire Engines. 

History off the Page- Great Fire of London.  



LEGO moon vehicles 

Space Small World

Play- cars and vehicles, building roads and train tracks


building the village and historical building using lego etc. 

Play- Paddington, boomerangs  Pokemon, building landmarks from different countries 


Based on leavers production 


PE- Ball skills 


PE- Hockey 

Dance (Tango) 

PE- Gymnastics 

Bat and ball skills 

PE- Team Games 1 


PE- Invasion games

PE- Athletics 

Sports day skills 


