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Art and Design

Our Art curriculum is taught through our in-depth cross curricular topics.  These topics are chosen to ensure that there is a broad balance of  subjects taught each term in school.  In addition to this, the teachers use resourcing from the Twinkl Art scheme to ensure that the curriculum entitlement is covered.


The National Curriculum entitlement is delivered through the topics, and the topics have been aligned to ensure that they build on previous learning.


This approach means that the children make many links in their learning between subjects and therefore have a deeper understanding of the subjects studied.


How often should it be taught and for how long?

Topics last either half a term or a term, or less for children in Reception.  There will be at least three topic lessons per week, with art planned in as part of the exploration of the topic.


How do you ensure a progression of knowledge, Skills and understanding in the separate subjects?

Each subject in the National Curriculum programmes of study have their own objectives and age related expectations.  The teachers use these to plan the lessons.   Progression maps are used by the teachers to ensure that the children develop skills over time.


How isArt assessed?

Teachers assess the children against the learning objectives for the lesson, which are taken from the National Curriculum schemes of work or the Early Years Foundations Stage curriculum.  End of year reports to parents indicate how the children have progressed against age related expectations in each subject. In addition, we use KWL grids in Year 1 and 2 at the beginning and end of each topic, this helps both the teacher and the children understand what they have learned in the topic.


How does Art link to other subjects including PSHE?

This is intrinsically linked through our topic work.  Our PSHE curriculum also supports some of the themes the children come across in Art, such as significant artists, group work, kindness towards others and sharing.


How you will see this policy in action:

The children will be able to articulate the topic they are studying.  Their curriculum for the term/half term will be designed around this topic.  The children will be enthusiastic about their learning and will understand where various subjects fit into the topic as a whole.
