Home Page

Cedar Class (Yr 1) - Miss Walker

Welcome to our Year One Cedar class page!


We hope you will find it useful.


Our Class Teacher: Miss Walker

Our Teaching Assistant: Mrs Weavers and Mrs Crocker

Our HLTA & PPA cover: Miss Layton


This term's topic is 'Marvellous Maps'


Weekly Routines


Tuesday & Thursday

PE with Sports Coach



Miss Layton teaches for the day and it is library day also.

Please ensure children return their borrowed books to exchange for another.


Children will also be able to choose from a selection of the Bug Club books in school on a daily basis,

as well as the books that are available to read on Bug Club Online.


Every day items 

 Water bottles, warm coat, hat and gloves - especially for our winter months!

To be kept at school – art apron (if needed), wellies



Home Learning


English home learning will be Bug Club Phonics. 


   Maths home learning will be Numbots and additional activities.


Please ask if you have any technical issues or questions about any of the activities set - we are always happy to help!





Please make sure all clothing, especially items for PE are labelled with names. This really does help us and you to make sure your child has the right clothing.


Please check that you have ordered a lunch for your child and have ordered before the deadline.



Topic overview for Year 1
