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Maple Class (Reception) - Miss Anderson

Spring term 2024

Welcome to the Spring term in Maple class.  Our topic for the term is 'Woodland Animals'.  We will be learning about animals including foxes, hedgehogs, birds, owls, badgers, mice, rabbits and squirrels.  We will also be having themed weeks for Chinese New Year, Communication Week and Easter.   

Please see our weekly newsletters for information about what we are learning each week and reminders.  


Our teacher is: Miss Ryall

Our teaching assistant is: Mrs Illsley



PE is on Monday afternoons - please make sure PE kits are in school

Reading folders are due in on Tuesday mornings.  New books will be sent home on Thursdays.  


Please remember to send your child to school with a warm, waterproof coat, hat and gloves (named) every day as we spend a lot of time outdoors, in all weathers. 

Communication & Language parent workshop

Reception workshop 2023
