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Maple Class (Reception) - Miss Anderson

Autumn term 2024

Welcome to the Autumn term in Willow class.  Our topic for the term is 'All About Me'.  We will be learning lots about each other, our friends, families, homes, our feelings, our bodies, likes and dislikes and what our rights and responsibilities are.   We will also be celebrating National Nursery Rhyme week in November, Diwali, Bonfire Night and Christmas  

Please see our weekly newsletters for information about what we are learning each week and reminders.  


Our teachers are: Miss Anderson

Our teaching assistants are: Mrs Illsley & Mrs Lockwell 



Please remember a coat each day.  When the weather turns colder, please send gloves and hats in to school each day (all should be named)

Water bottles to keep in the classroom.  If your child has packed lunch, please send a separate drink in their lunch box. 

Reading folders are due in on Tuesday mornings.  New books will be sent home on Thursdays.  


Please remember to send your child to school with a warm, waterproof coat, hat and gloves (named) every day as we spend a lot of time outdoors, in all weathers. 


Parents meeting - Autumn 2024
