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Reading with your child

All you need to know about phonics - Pearson

Sophie Thomson, Head of English and extended curriculum at Pearson, explains on this video the basics of phonics, how they work and provides practical guidan...

Please read every day at home - it makes a big difference!



To be a good reader, we need to do two things – recognise or work out the words (this is known as decoding) and understand what the words mean. 


Our reading approach teaches both of these skills – the leaflets on this page explain our approach and how to help at home.  Please click on the leaflet for your child's year group for more detail.


How to help at home with phonics:

Phonics starts at 8.50 am sharp – please don’t be late to school.

  • Bug Club works alongside Alphablocks from the BBC, watching these programmes together on the i-player will be a good foundation to help your child.
  • Log in to Bug Club DAILY and help your child to navigate to the books and games assigned by their teacher – 10 minutes per day will really help.
  • Re-read books as often as possible
  • Praise your child for using their sounds.
  • Practice blending sounds together out loud to make words “it’s time for your b-a-th!”
  • “find” the letters or sounds with your child whilst out and about
  • Practise writing words and encourage your child to spell using their sounds (don’t dictate spellings or have them copy even if their spelling seems odd!).
  • Come and see us or email us if you have any questions, we are here to help.


How to help at home with language & comprehension:

  • Read to your child every day, and re-read favourite books often as this helps to grow their vocabulary.
  • Talk about the books you have read, encourage your child to think about the story and predict what will happen next.
  • Let your child see you reading (especially Dads and Grandads), show them you love reading too.
  • Sing songs and rhymes – the more rhymes they know the better.
  • Visit your local library and choose some books.  We have published suggested reading lists on our website in case you are not sure what to get.