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Chestnut Class (Yr 2) - Mrs Mustoe

Welcome back and happy 2024! 


Welcome to Chestnut Class 2024! We are very excited to have you! The adults working with Chestnut Class are- 

Mrs Pitron

Mr Carless

Miss Layton


Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. 


Reading books - please encourage your child to change their book as often as they need to. 


Spellings will be sent home on Mondays and the children will be given a few sentences with some of the words in the following Monday before we start our new sound. The spellings will be put up weekly below if your child loses them! 


Our first topic is "Terrific Transport" and after half term we will be exploring the history of the village in "Tylers Green Time Travel"! Please see the Year 2 topic grid for further details. 


Looking forward to a wonderful term! 

Mrs Mustoe

Week 1 11th September Spelling parent info - y saying igh

Week 2 18 Sep dge and ge words

Week 3 25th Sep Changing y to es

Week 5 9th Oct kn words

Week 6 16th October Words ending in ing

Week 7- 30th October. Words beginning with wr

Week 8 6th Nov words ending in le

Week 9 13 Nov adding er and est to words

Week 10- words ending in el

Week 12- 8th January. adding er and er

Week 13- 15th January. Words with eer saying ear

Week 14 22nd January -ture ending

Week 15- adding y and est 29th January

Week 18 addng ing and ed 26th Feb
